
We attempted to introgress Y chromosomes between three sibling species of Drosophila: D. simulans, D. sechellia and D. mauritiana. Four D. sechellia Y chromosomes were introgressed into D. simulans without loss of fertility whereas the four reciprocal introgressions (D. simulans Y introgressed into D sechellia) all result in sterility. Both reciprocal Y introgressions of D. simulans and D. mauritiana (four of each) also result in sterility. Compared with D. simulans males, the males with the D. sechellia Y chromosome in D. simulans background had lower productivity but only after multiple matings with virgin females. These males also were inferior compared with pure species males in sperm displacement and/or remating ability. The two different Y genotype males, however, were comparable in viability, longevity and mating success in female choice tests. We also use our results to estimate the effective number of autosomal loci interacting with X-linked genes to produce hybrid male sterility.

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