
Bu calismada, arastirma yoluyla ogretim metodunun farkli zihinsel gelisim donemlerindeki sinif ogretmenligi ogrencilerinin bilimsel islem becerilerinin gelisimine etkilerini belirlemek amaclanmistir. Calismanin orneklemini sinif ogretmenligi 3. sinifta okuyan uc gruptan toplam 103 ogrenci olusturmaktadir (Erkek=30, Kiz=73, Yas: 19 ile 22 arasi). Ogrencilere uc test uygulanmistir. Ilk olarak ogrencilerin on bilimsel islem becerilerini belirlemek icin Bilimsel Islem Becerileri Testi II (Test of Integrated Process Skills II) uygulanmistir. Daha sonra ogrencilerin zihinsel gelisim donemlerini belirlemek icin Mantiksal Dusunme Yetenek Testi uygulanmistir. On-testlerin uygulanmasindan sonra, uc gruptaki ogrenciler bilimsel islem becerilerini gelistirmek amacThis study was carried out to explore the effects of inquiry-based instruction in developing integrated science process skills of trainee primary school teachers with different Piagetian developmental levels. One hundred-three junior college students (male=30, female=73, age 18-20) from three intact classes participated in the study. Students were given three tests. First, Test of Integrated Process Skills II (TIPS II) was administered to assess preintegrated science process skills of students. Second, the Classroom Test of Formal Reasoning was administered to determine students\' Piagetian developmental levels (concrete, transitional, and formal). After pretesting, students in each intact class completed four activities developed on the basis of inquiry-based technique of teaching science to enhance science process skills. Finally, all students were given TIPS II as a posttest. Results oArastirma yoluyla ogretim modeli, zihinsel gelisim donemleri, bilimsel islem becerileri.Inquiry-based teaching, integrated science process skills, Piagetian developmental levels Tam Metin

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