
Magnetic skyrmions are chiral, topologically-protected magnetic spin textures known for their rich physics and potential for future data storage devices. Recently, magnetic multilayers with interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) have attracted great attention because they can support stable Néel-type magnetic skyrmions at room temperature. Here, we report on micromagnetic simulations of the effect of initial magnetic field treatment on skyrmion formation in [Pt/Co/Ir]n magnetic multilayers. The multilayer system was modeled with MuMax3 using parameters determined from experimental measurements on [Pt/Co/Ir]n=3,5,8 multilayer thin films. The simulations show that the application and subsequent removal of a nearly in-plane magnetic field can transition the originally labyrinth domains into bubble skyrmions, which agrees well magneto-optical Kerr effect imaging results. Systematic simulations of the magnetic configuration of the [Pt/Co/Ir]n as a function of angle and magnitude of the applied magnetic field reveal that the formation of bubble skyrmions occurs for field magnitudes that are close to but below the in-plane saturating field and that an additional out-of-plane component will help the skyrmion formation. Skyrmion formation is observed over a wider magnetic field range as the repetition number is increased, which corresponds to increasing importance of the demagnetization field coupling.Work at Bryn Mawr College was supported by the National Science Foundation CAREER DMR-1053854 and DMR-1708790. Work at Colorado State University was supported by the National Science Foundation DMR-1709525 and work at Argonne National Laboratory was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Materials Science and Engineering Division. **

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