
This study reports a secondary analysis from a quasi-experimental design study (N = 13 schools) to examine the effects of aligned Tier 1 (T1) and Tier 2 (T2) instruction for a subsample of fourth graders with inattention and reading difficulties. Of this sample (N = 63 students), 100% received free- or reduced-price lunch, 92% identified as Hispanic, and 22% received special education services. T1 instruction focused on implementing practices to support reading comprehension and content learning during social studies instruction. The aligned T2 intervention focused on remediating reading comprehension difficulties using the same evidence-based practices implemented in T1, thus supporting students with connecting learning and applying skills across settings. Schools were assigned to one of three conditions: (a) aligned T1-T2 instruction; (b) nonaligned T1-T2 instruction, in which T1 and T2 practices were not intentionally aligned; or (c) business-as-usual (BaU) T1 and T2 practices. No significant differences were detected between the nonaligned T1-T2 and BaU conditions on student outcomes. However, large, statistically significant effects were detected in favor of the aligned T1-T2 condition compared to BaU on measures of content knowledge (Unit 1 ES = 0.85; Unit 2 ES = 1.46; Unit 3 ES = 0.79), vocabulary (Unit 1 ES = 0.88; Unit 2 ES = 0.85), and content reading comprehension (ES = 0.79). The aligned T1-T2 condition also outperformed the nonaligned T1-T2 condition on content knowledge (Unit 2 ES = 1.35; Unit 3 ES = 0.56), vocabulary (Unit 1 ES = 0.82), and the content reading comprehension assessment (ES = 0.69). Various effect sizes were not different from zero after correcting for clustered data. Although the magnitude of the effect sizes suggested promise, additional research is needed to fully understand the effects of aligned instruction on the reading outcomes of students with inattention and reading difficulty.

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