
Teaching writing especially narrative text will be nice if there is a good media used. Animation film is a media that may be appropriate to be used as a media. Based on the statement above, the objective of this study is to find out whether there is any effectiveness of using animation film in teaching students writing in narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP N 33 Purworejo in the academic year 2012/2013. The type of this research is experimental research. Then the technique sampling is cluster random sampling. The number of the population in this research is 229 students. The number of the sample is 66. The instrument that used to collect the data is a test. The test is essay that consists of orientation, complication, and resolution.The result of the research found that the highest score both control and experimental group and both pre-test and post-test, is 90 while the lowest score was 50 for the student in control group. After doing the test, the mean scores were 63.09 in pre-test and 82.74 in post-test of experimental group while the mean score of pre-test is 58.63 and 74.66 in post-test in control group. The computation of t-test shows that the Ha is accepted. The value of t-test is 10.044. The t-table is 1.998. The t-test value is higher than t-table; the alternative hypothesis can be stated that the use of animation film as a media is effective to improve writing narrative text. Key Words: animation film, narrative text

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