
The inhibition of α-amylase enzymes can delay the remaining carbohydrates in the small intestine and reduce the travel of postprandial blood glucose, therefore the content of compounds in the form of tannins, flavonoids, saponins and terpen is believed to be able inhibit the α-amylase enzymes. Knowing the effectiveness of α-amylase enzyme inhibition by some traditional medicine ingredients (Curcuma caesia, Kaempferia galanga, Nigella sativa, Apis dorsata, and Stevia rebaudiana) and organoleptic properties of the ready to drink formulation. This study is an experimental study using the design "Pretest-Posttest with control Groug" on the sample in the form of liquid extracts. Plant liquid extract is tested for its inhibition of α-amylase and used as a formulation of herbal drink ready to drink. The result IC50 values of black turmeric extract (6.46 mg/ml), aromatic ginger (6.10 mg/ml), black cumin (7.36 mg/ml), forest bee honey (2.59 mg//ml) and sweet leaves (4,85 mg/ml). The results of IC50 formulations 1 (8.03 mg/ml) and 2 (14.18 mg/ml) and glibenclamide values are (2.53 mg/ml). Conclusion the effectiveness of α-amylase inhibition of sweet leaf extract is better than other extracts and formulation 1 is better than formulation 2.

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