
We review theoretical relations between macroscopic properties of neutron stars and microscopic quantities of nuclear matter, such as consistency of hadronic nuclear models and observed masses of neutron stars. The relativistic hadronic field theory, quantum hadrodynamics (QHD), and mean-field approximations of the theory are applied to saturation properties of symmetric nuclear and neutron matter. The equivalence between mean-field approximations and Hartree approximation is emphasized in terms of renormalized effective masses and effective coupling constants of hadrons. This is important to prove that the direct application of mean-field (Hartree) approximation to nuclear and neutron matter is inadequate to examine physical observables. The equations of state (EOS), binding energies of nuclear matter, self-consistency of nuclear matter, are reviewed, and the result of chiral Hartree-Fock approximation is shown. Neutron stars and history of nuclear astrophysics, nuclear model and nuclear matter, possibility of hadron and hadron-quark neutron stars are briefly reviewed. The hadronic models are very useful and practical for understanding astrophysical phenomena, nuclear matter and radiation phenomena of nuclei.


  • Such stars are hypothesized as high density objects mainly composed of neutrons and supported against further collapse because of Pauli exclusion principle exerted by nuclear particles

  • How to cite this paper: Uechi, H. (2015) The Effective Chiral (σ, π,ω) Model of Quantum Hadrodynamics Applied to Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars

  • The mean-field approximations by replacing meson quantum fields with classical fields in nuclear hadronic models are all equivalent to the Hartree approximation when nonlinear interactions are properly renormalized [17]

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The EOS determines many properties such as the mass, moments of inertia, mass-radius relation, redshifts, cooling rate, and the total neutrino emission in a supernova explosion. Within non-relativistic lowest-order Brueckner theory, it suggests that all the new phase-shift equivalent nucleon-nucleon potentials yield essentially similar equations of state up to densities of 3 ~ 4ρ0 for both pure neutron matter and β -stable matter. Other properties such as symmetry energy and proton fractions show a similar quantitative agreement. In order to obtain consistent results from different approaches, it is essential to examine conditions and constraints to nuclear models and calculations

Nuclear Matter as the Assemblage of Protons and Neutrons
Conclusions on the Hadronic Nuclear Mean-Field Theory
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