
The researcher seeks to study the effect of workplace democracy on improving employee performance, considering the workplace democracy is changing through six sub-dimensions represented in (decentralization control system, independent groups, criticism system, organizational justice, free exchange of information, individual rights) while representing improved performance The variable dependent employees on a set of sub-dimensions through which the performance of the employees can be measured, which is represented in (productivity, work turnover, innovation, job satisfaction, absence of work, quality). The research problem was focused through a set of questions that were aimed at identifying the impact of workplace democracy on improving the performance of workers and in light of it a set of hypotheses was formulated to diagnose the impact of workplace democracy on the performance of workers, and the General Company for Grain Trade / Diwaniya branch was chosen as a community For the study, the researcher adopted in her study the questionnaire for the purpose of obtaining the data, as it was distributed on a random sample of employees in the company amounted to (191) employees out of a total of (362) employees, and it was analyzed using the statistical program (SPSS vr. 24), and The study reached There are a set of results, the most important of which is accepting the research hypothesis that confirms the existence of a correlation and impact of workplace democracy on improving employee performance, and in light of which recommendations were formulated to overcome obstacles and increase the contribution of workplace democracy to improving the performance of company employees.

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