
Background.Local prevention of periprosthetic infection and treatment of infectious complications after various joints arthroplasties includes the use of polymethylmethacrylate-based spacers impregnated with antimicrobial agents. At the same time, the added components are able to change the bone cement characteristics and have variable antimicrobial effect duration. The aim of the studywas to evaluate the duration of antimicrobial activity and the effect on the MRSA ATCC 43300 biofilm formation on bone cement samples with gentamycin impregnated with vancomycin and/or highly dispersed silver.Materials and Methods.Samples were made from bone cement DePuy CMW 1 Gentamicin and mixed with vancomycin and/or highly dispersed silver. The elemental composition was studied by scanning electron microscopy and micro-x-ray spectral analysis. The study of the antimicrobial activity duration was performed by daily applying an incubation solution with samples to the bacterial lawn surface. The effect on biofilm formation was evaluated by immersing the test samples in LB-broth with MRSA.Results.The control samples did not have antimicrobial activity (AMA) against MRSA ATCC 43300. Test samples, additionally containing 10 wt.% of vancomycin was effective for 9 days. When adding highly dispersed silver, the lengthening of the samples activity time was recorded. So, when applying 2.5 wt.% of highly dispersed silver, the duration of AMA was 21 days, and when increased to 10 wt.% — 34 days. Energydispersion analysis of the sample surface with 10 wt.% of vancomycin and highly dispersed silver showed that the skeletal structure type contains matrix component based on barium sulfate with silver inclusions. During the study of the samples effect on a typical strain biofilm formation, no statistically significant differences were found between the optical density of gentian violet extracts in the negative control and in the medium with MRSA.Conclusion. The vancomycin with highly dispersed silver combination prolonged the antimicrobial activity of the samples against MRSA ATCC 43300 and effectively prevented the formation of microbial biofilms on its surface. Despite the fact that the conditions of the conducted experiment in vitro are not identical to the conditions of bone cement antimicrobial spacers clinical use, our results indicate the need to use spacers with a known duration of antimicrobial activity and to comply with the terms of temporary structures replacement.


  • Local prevention of periprosthetic infection and treatment of infectious complications after various joints arthroplasties includes the use of polymethylmethacrylate-based spacers impregnated with antimicrobial agents

  • Despite the fact that the conditions of the conducted experiment in vitro are not identical to the conditions of bone cement antimicrobial spacers clinical use, our results indicate the need to use spacers with a known duration of antimicrobial activity and to comply with the terms of temporary structures replacement

  • Hashimoto A., Miyamoto H., Kobatake T., Nakashima T., Shobuike T., Ueno M. et al The combination of silver-containing hydroxyapatite coating and vancomycin has a synergistic antibacterial effect on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation

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Материал и методы

Контрольные образцы готовили из коммерческого костного цемента на основе полиметилметакрилата (ПММА) DePuy CMW 1 Gentamicin (DePuy Synthes), содержащего 4,22% гентамицина (КЦ-гента), без внесения дополнительного антибиотика. Выбор костного цемента с гентамицином для приготовления контрольных образцов обусловлен высокой частотой его использования в ортопедии в сравнении с цементом без внесения антибактериальных препаратов. Для получения опытных образцов в асептических условиях 40 г сухого вещества смешивали с соответствующим количеством дополнительного ванкомицина (Эльфа Lab, Индия) и/или высокодисперсного серебра Повиаргол (Технолог, Россия). Полученную сухую смесь перемешивали с необходимым количеством мономера и формировали образцы необходимой формы. Вещества для импрегнации в виде порошка сначала вручную смешивали с сухой частью костного цемента, а потом в полученную часть вносили раствор метилметакрилата и тщательно все перемешивали до получения однородной массы, из которой с помощью силиконовой формы формировали бусины. Морфологию (равномерность распределения компонентов) и элементный состав образцов костного цемента, содержащего Вд-Ag, исследовали методами сканирующей электронной микроскопии и микрорентгеноспектрального анализа на исследовательском комплексе TESCAN Vega

Состав тестируемых образцов костного цемента
Статистический анализ
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