
Studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of the use of various doses of pharmaceutical substances based on the extract of a medicinal plant thyme on the quality indicators of broiler meat. The work was done in a broiler farm. Formed control and 5 experimental groups of day-old broiler chickens with 37 heads in each group. Chickens of the control group were fed the basic ration, broilers of the experimental groups additionally received a pharmaceutical substance obtained from the medicinal plant thyme in various doses: the 1–2 mg / kg, 2–4, the 3–6, 4–8, 5–10 mg / kg body weight daily. At the end of poultry rearing, the slaughter qualities of carcasses, the development of internal organs and the chemical composition of the pectoral muscle are determined. At the end of the study, the positive effect of thyme extract on the indicators of anatomical cutting of broiler chickens was established. In the 3th, 4th and 5th experimental groups, significant differences were found compared with the control group. Thyme extract did not have a negative impact on the development of the internal organs of broiler chickens. There are no significant differences in chemical composition and the amount of essential amino acids in the pectoral muscles of broilers.


  • Фитогенные кормовые добавки обладают разнообразным действием на организм и используются в кормлении животных с целью повышения их продуктивности и улучшения качества пищевых продуктов животного происхождения [5, 6]

  • There are no significant differences in chemical composition and the amount of essential amino acids in the pectoral muscles of broilers

  • Методические рекомендации по проведению анатомической разделки тушек и органолептической оценки качества мяса и яиц сельскохозяйственной птицы и морфология яиц / В

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Группа контрольная

Абсолютная масса печени цыплят в контрольной группе была ниже по сравнению с 1-й опытной группой в 1,17 раза, но выше, чем во 2-й опытной группе, в 1,15 раза, в 3-й – в 1,36 (P0,999), треонина (F = 2,65, р>0,95), метионина (F = 3,34, р>0,95). Таблица 4 Содержание незаменимых аминокислот в грудных мышцах цыплят-бройлеров, мг%

Лизин Треонин Валин Метионин Изолейцин Триптофан
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