
Many species of fishes have evolved mechanisms for coping with ammonia caused by either high ammonia environments or an inability to excrete nitrogenous wastes. Rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss), have not been known to have such a mechanism. The present study investigated whether rainbow trout can use amino acid synthesis and storage to cope with ammonia. Experiments were performed on fed and unfed rainbow trout under both control and elevated ammonia conditions (0 and 10 mg N/l (total ammonia nitrogen), pH 7.2). The results indicate that both feeding and ammonia exposure increased plasma ammonia significantly 6 h postprandial and post ammonia exposure. After 48 h the fed/ammonia exposed fish had plasma ammonia levels that were not significantly different than the fed/control fish. Plasma ammonia was reduced by more than 50%, attributable to ammonia being converted to glutamine in brain, liver and muscle tissue. Feeding alone also increased glutamine levels in brain tissue. Activity of glutamine synthetase in brain and liver was increased corresponding to an increase in glutamine concentrations when fish were exposed to ammonia. This is the first report showing that rainbow trout can detoxify endogenous and exogenous ammonia.

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