
To maintain the effectiveness of the training (1st-Training Session: 1st-TS) to accurate describe facts in the medical incident reports (IRs) in Japanese, a refresher TS was designed and its effectiveness was examined. First, textual analysis showed that IRs' accuracy significantly decreased six months after the 1st-TS. Based on this result, the refresher TS was designed and conducted with 64 residents. To verify the refresher TS’ effectiveness, IRs after the 1st-TS, six months later, and after the refresher TS were compared via text analysis. The results showed that the refresher TS restored the description rate of patient's background, safety check procedures, original work procedures, information on equipment used, reporter's actions, and post-incident response. The questionnaire was also administered and showed that the refresher TS contributed to residents' motivation to learn about IRs. In conclusion, the refresher TS contributed to sustaining the effect of the 1st-TS on accurately describing IRs.

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