
Background. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common and most diffcult chronic rheumatic disease in children. Exercise helps to avoid joint deformities or corrects them, also reduces pain and disease activity, normalizes physical function, growth and development, improves the patient’s quality of life. So far, there is no consensus on what kind of exercise is appropriate for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Goal of the research. To defne the most often applied physiotherapy techniques and their impact on the treatment of children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis analysing and summarizing scientifc articles. Methods. Twelve articles have been analysed. Systemic literature overview involved the articles on clinical research which were selected in the light of the following criteria: children with juvenile’s idiopathic arthritis; classic clinical tests performed; application of different physical exercises and survey of their accessibility; Childhood Health Assessment questionnaire; language and year of publication (2000–2015). Results. Research participants in the selected articles were 525 research children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Their mean age ± SD was 11.2 ± 2.9 years (range 4–21 years). There were 348 (66%) girls and 177 (34%) boys. Aquatic therapy and Pilates workout had the strongest effect on pain relief, general physical performance and life quality, whereas balance and proprioception exercises had the best effect on balance and mobility. The results showed that regular physical exercises did not increase pain, they reduced the number of swollen joints, they were safe and effcient, also, that high-intensity aerobic exercises did not provide additional benefts, so it may suggest that low-intensity exercise program is more suitable for children with JIA because it is a slow and mild. Conclusion. Analysis of 12 articles have shown that general physical exercises (33.5%) and aquatic therapy (33.5%) are used most often, whereas balance-proprioception exercises are less frequent (17%), Pilates workout (8%) and Qigong relaxation (8%) are used very rarely. The most effcient methods for the improvement of general physical performance, quality of life, and reducing pain include aquatic therapy, Pilates workout and Qigong therapy. Balance-proprioception exercises are proved to be most effective in the improvement of mobility and balance.Keywords: juvenile idiopathic arthritis, physical exercises, training, physiotherapy, physical condition, life quality.


  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common and most difficult chronic rheumatic disease in children

  • Sergantiems jaunatviniu idiopatiniu artritu, dažniausiai taikomi bendrojo pobūdžio fiziniai pratimai (33%) ir vandens terapija (33%), rečiau – pusiausvyros-propriorecepcijos pratimai (17%), dar rečiaupilateso (8,5%) ir Qigong’o relaksacija (8,5%)

  • Balance-proprioception exercises are proved to be most effective in the improvement of mobility and balance

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Mažo intensyvumo fiziniai pratimai

Singh-Grewal su bendraautoriais atliko tyrimą, kuriuo siekė įvertinti JIA sergančių ligonių 12 savaičių pratimų programos saugumą ir panaudojimo galimybes, skausmo pasireiškimą ir treniravimosi poveikį. Baydogan’as su bendraautoriais atliko tyrimą, kuriuo įvertino pusiausvyros-propriorecepcijos poveikį JIA sergančių vaikų kojų funkcijai ir palygino šių pratimų ir raumenų stiprinimo pratimų veiksmingumą. Singh-Grewal su bendraautoriais atliko tyrimą, kurio metu buvo tirta 80 JIA sergančių vaikų. Kad didelio fizinio krūvio pratimai nesuteikia papildomos naudos, todėl atsižvelgiant į sunkią JIA sergančių ligonių fizinę būklę vaikams gali būti rekomenduojama atlikti neintensyvius lengvo fizinio krūvio pratimus, sulaukiant tokios pačios naudos. Tiriamiesiems atliekant lengvo fizinio krūvio pilateso pratimus, nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas sveikatos pagerėjimas, be to, pastebėta, kad pilateso pratimai labiau veikia ligonių fizinę ir psichosocialinę būseną, palyginti su įprastine pratimų programa. Physical fitness and well-being in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and the effect of an exercise programme: A randomized controlled trial.

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