
The anticonvulsant effects and duration of protective action of midazolam against Metrazol induced seizures were studied in 528 rats aged 7,12,18,25 and 90 days. The doses of 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg were administered immediately before Metrazol (100 mg/kg in all but 18-day-old animals where 90 mg/kg were given) for detection of antimetrazol activity at all age groups. The doses of 0.05, 0.25, and/or 0.5 mg/kg were used to study the time course of the protective action of midazolam. Each experimental group consisted of eight animals. Dose-dependent antimetrazol effects of midazolam till now described only in adult animals were demonstrated at all developmental stages studied. There were no qualitative differences in these effects among age groups studied. Midazolam action was better expressed against major Metrazol seizures than against minimal Metrazol seizures. Duration of the protective action depended on the dose tested at all developmental stages, as a rule, lasted longer in young animals than in adult rats. Only quantitative changes of action were found.

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