
Abstract Pyrolysis gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (Py-GC-FID) and pyrolysis gas chromatography with mass selective detector (Py-GC-MSD) were used for studying the effect of (NH4)2HPO4 and (NH4)2SO4 on the pyrolysis of Pinus halepensis pine-needles. Flash Py-GC-MSD analysis of the pine-needles at 400°C, showed differences in the composition of the organic volatile products after treatment with chemicals. The major ones were the formation of new products such as levoglucosenone due to the alteration of thermal degradation mechanism, or due to the interaction of chemicals with the pine-needles pyrolysis products like benzonitrile. Py-GC-FID was applied to pine-needles in a temperature region of 100–600°C, for monitoring changes regarding the evolution profile of various pyrolysis products, as well as their pyrolysis temperature shifting in the presence of chemicals. The Py-GC-MSD and Py-GC-FID proved to be effective and promising methods for the elucidation of retardation mechanisms during the pyrolysis of pine-needles.

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