
In recent months, the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on humanity in 2020 and 2021 have frequently been discussed in academic circles. We conducted this study to measure the perceived job insecurity, resilience, and task performance of employees during the pandemic period. The sample group of the study comprises employees. First, we designed the questionnaire form. We used the convenience sampling method with the help of the online method. The data obtained from 453 employees who agreed to take part in the study made up the sample group. We analyzed the collected data with the quantitative research method. As an analysis method, we used “descriptive statistics, direct and mediated regression, and independent sample t-test”. In the light of the analysis, it was determined that the level of perceived job insecurity of the employees is medium, and the level of psychological resilience and task performance is high. In addition, we concluded that psychological resilience affects task performance positively and significantly. It was determined that perceived job insecurity is higher for women than for men. Business owners and managers supporting their employees psychologically and financially are helping to ease the painful effects of the pandemic.

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