
Green tea (GT) contains polyphenolic flavonoids, different minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and others. It has a different health benefit. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of intragastric gavage of a high dose GT extract on serum biochemical analysis of magnesium, calcium, and zincin juvenile Wistar albino rats. Twelve rats were used in the study and divided in to two equal groups. All the animals in the control group were intragastically gavaged by distilled water and continues for ten days, from day 24 to day 34 of age, while the animals in the study group were intragastically gavaged by GT extract (300mg/kg/day) which continues also for ten days from day 24 to day 34 of age. On day 34 of age, and two hours after the last dose, the rats were anaesthetized and blood collection by cardiac puncture was taken. The results showed that the intragastric gavage of a high dose of GT extract caused a non-significant increase in serum magnesium, and calcium levels (p>0.05), but a significant increase in zinc serum level was seen(p< 0.05). GT can cause a significant increase in zinc serum level, and this may explain the significant role of GT in the response to different oxidative stress. It is recommended to measure the Zn serum level in rats after a period longer than two hrs from the time of the last dose of intragastric gavage of GT extract.

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