
The obstacles faced by breeders in maintaining the Gembrong goat in Bali include worm parasites. Gastrointestinal worm infections in goats have an impact in the form of weight loss, anemia, diarrhea, decreased productivity, and economic losses. Research in the villages of Beraban and Abang has been carried out from September to November 2018 with the aim of knowing the effect of housing management on worm infection in gembrong goats in Bali. The study used a fecal sample of 20 gembrong goats aged 7- 15 months, regardless of sex, reared in a staged and postal cage. Samples were checked into BB -Vet Denpasar and tested by the floating concentration method, and egg identification based on morphology. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results of examination of 20 samples found 9 positive samples in stage cages and 13 positive samples in postal cages infected by 22%. After being identified based on egg morphology, it was found in the stage cage pattern of 1,020 grams / faeces, while the postal cage pattern was 1,560 grains of salt / feces. The rate of gastrointestinal worm infections is in the moderate infection stage.


  • Kendala dihadapi peternak dalam pemeliharaan Kambing Gembrong di Bali antara lain parasit cacing

  • The obstacles faced by breeders in maintaining the Gembrong goat in Bali include worm parasites

  • Gastrointestinal worm infections in goats have an impact in the form of weight loss, anemia, diarrhea, decreased productivity, and economic losses

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Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Bali

The obstacles faced by breeders in maintaining the Gembrong goat in Bali include worm parasites. Pengembangan kambing gembrong dilakukan oleh petani di desaa Beraban kabupaten Tabanan dengan pola pemeliharaan secara intensif, dengan menggunakan kandang panggung yang terbuat dari bahan kayu, beratap asbes serta berlantai semen dengan memberi pakan hijauan berupa : dedaunan (gamal, lamtoro, turi, waru ) sebagai pakan utamanya, sedangkan pengembangan kambing gembrong di desa Abang Kabupaten Karangasem dilakukan dengan pola kandang postal yang berlantai tanah dengan dinding terbuat dari bilah bambu beratap genteng serta pemberian pakan berupa dedaunan ( daun waru, gamal, santan) dan rumput lapang (rumput dari pematang areal persawahan) tanpa diberi pakan penguat dedak maupun konsentrat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak pengaruh tatalaksana perkandangan terhadap infeksi parasit cacing pada kambing gembrong

Gambaran Morfologi Cacing Yang Menginfeksi Saluran pencernaan Kambing Gembrong
Kontrol Infeksi Parasit Gastrointestinal
Tingkat Prevalensi Gastrointestinal Pada Kambing Gembrong
Paramphistomum Sp Usus halus
Jenis cacing Yang Menginfeksi
Tingkat Infeksi Telur Cacing Pada Kambing Gembrong
Jenis Cacing
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