
Abstract Glossing is a technique which is used to aid reading comprehension and vocabulary learning. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of glossing on incidental vocabulary learning of learners with low English proficiency. In addition to gloss and no-gloss comparison, different types of glosses, L1 and L2, were compared as well in terms of their effect on incidental vocabulary learning. For this comparison, no-glossed, L1-glossed and L2-glossed versions of a reading text were used. A total of 126 preparatory school students at Nigde University participated in the study and they were randomly assigned into one of the groups of L1 gloss, L2 gloss and no-gloss. After they read the text, they were given an immediate post-test, a multiple choice vocabulary test. They took the same test two weeks later as a delayed post-test. The participants also completed a student opinion questionnaire about their preference and usage of glosses. The results of the vocabulary tests indicated that, L1 gloss group significantly outperformed L2 gloss group and no-gloss group was significantly better than L2 gloss group. The survey results also indicated that participants preferred glosses in reading and they gave preference to L1 glosses. The results of the study may have some implications suggesting that L1 glosses were especially beneficial for learners with low English proficiency.

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