
Abstract Obesity and food insecurity are prevalent public health concerns that influence factors at both the individual and community levels. Given that obesity is linked to a number of health concerns including heart disease and diabetes, national efforts have been formed to reduce obesity rates among these populations. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of food-insecure households and associated risk factors on the prevalence of obesity among adults in New Jersey counties. The researchers hypothesized that counties with higher rates of food-secure households and associated risk factors would yield higher rates of obesity among the adult population. An ecological cross-sectional study was performed using secondary data from New Jersey Health Assessment and Census databases focused specifically on all 21 counties in New Jersey. The independent variables were selected from the social indicators available in the datasets consulted: food insecurity rate, physical activity rate, median household income, frequent mental health distress, routine health visit, and percent of adults self-reporting good, very good, or excellent health status. These independent variables were tested against adult obesity rates among New Jersey counties. It was revealed that rising obesity rates among adults were linked to increased rates of food insecurity, lower median household income, and lower perceived health status. Future research may investigate additional social determinants in relation to obesity rates in order to improve public health interventions within communities to increase health outcomes among adults. Key messages Obesity and food insecurity are prevalent public health concerns that influence factors at both the individual and community levels. Rising obesity rates among adults are linked to increased rates of food insecurity, lower median household income, and lower perceived health status.

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