
SUMMARY Two poplar clones, hybrid Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh X Populus nigra L. (Populus xeuramericana), clone I-214, and Populus deltoides, clone Lux, were grown from hardwood cuttings for one growing season in either ambient (360 μmol mol−1) or elevated (560 μmol mol−1) [CO2] in FACE-systemrings at Rapolano Terme (Siena, Italy). Both clones I-214 and Lux exhibited a higher aboveground bio-mass, photosynthesis at light saturation and instantaneous transpiration efficiency (ITE) in CO2-enriched air. The elevated [CO2]-induced responses of clone I-214 included increased investment in branch and leaf biomass, and enhanced stem volume. The elevated [CO2]-induced responses of clone Lux included an increase in the number of branches (and foliage area). Indication of photosynthetic acclimation under elevated [CO2] was found during the early morning, but only in clone I-214. Stomatal conductance decreased under elevated [CO2] particularly in clone Lux. Clone differences in response to elevated [CO2] should be taken in account when planning future poplar plantations in forecast warmer and drier Mediterranean sites.

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