
In the 21st century, cashless transactions are made feasible by the widespread use of the internet, which is a result of the technological advancements that have occurred since the internet's inception. The e-wallet system is furnished with one-of-a-kind payment features that enable buyers to conduct online transactions without using physical currency and with a single tap on their mobile device. Therefore, this study is carried out to determine the effects of e-Wallet among youths in Penang, Malaysia. The population for this research involved below 18 to 24 and above years old individuals from Penang that have or had use e-Wallet in their daily life. Total 380 respondents were selected for this research using random sampling techniques from various races, occupations, and background to enrich the data of this research in Penang. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a set of questionnaires using platform “Google Form” to collect research data from the respondents. The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. The result shows that the main factors respondents use the e-wallect is because they use it to pay the utilities. For the effect of e-Wallet usage, the respondents highly rely on their phone when making payment, so that they can track all their expenses easily. This study suggests that future researchers can identify the factors to develop a more personalized e-Wallet application for smartphone users.

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