
1. 1. Paper chromatographic analysis using five different solvent systems and spectrophotofluorimetry reveal the presence of 5·5 μg/g dopamine in teh circumoesophageal ganglionic mass of Helix aspersa, and 0·18 μg/ml DOPA in the blood. 2. 2. Injection of reserpine decreased the brain dopamine content. 3. 3. Injection of DOPA increased the brain dopamine content. 4. 4. Amine oxidase inhibitors and o-methyl transferase inhibitors have no effect on brain dopamine content. 5. 5. Dopamine was the only catecholamine found in the nervous system of the crab Carcinus maenas and the clam mercenaria mercenaria. No catecholamine was found in the ventral nerve cord of the leech Hirudo medicinalis.

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