
Alloy-type metal is widely used to reduce contact resistance in optoelectronic devices. Among the alloy-types, Au/Zn is one of the most common metallization systems. In this paper, we studied the alloy morphology of p-InP/p-InGaAs/Au/Zn/Au/Cr/Au systems. We found that the amount of Au–Zn alloy depended upon the thickness of the Cr layer. When Cr thickness was reduced to 135 Å, both Au-rich and GaAs-rich excessive compound formation started to occur. The Au diffusion punched through the InGaAs layer and penetrated into the InP. Comparison of Au/Zn/Au and Au/Zn/Au/Cr/Au suggested that the top Au layer maybe very influential during the alloy reaction. The Au–Zn alloy was significantly less in the Au/Zn/Au than that in the Au/Zn/Au/Cr/Au.

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