
Background. Overweight and obesity are described as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can affect health (WHO, 2016). Aerobic exercise as a form of physical activity is highly recommended for people with overweight and obesity by reducing weight and fat mass (Lee, Oh, 2014). Furthermore, it has a positive effect on mental health (Said et al., 2017). The aim of the study was to determine the impact of four-week aerobic exercise on body composition and psycho-emotional status in obese women. Methods. Twelve obese women participated in moderate intensity aerobic training intervention (65–75% of max HR). Duration of the session was 60 min, 3 times per week. Measurements were taken twice: at the beginning and at the end of the study. Body composition was evaluated with “Tanita TBF-300” (UK Ltd., UK) analyzer: body weight (kg), BMI (kg/m2), percentage fat mass, fat mass (kg), fat free mass (kg), total body water (kg). Waist and hip circumferences were measured with a centimeter strip. To estimate psycho-emotional status we used Perceived Stress Scale 14 (PSS-14). Results. After aerobic exercise intervention, the body weight, fat mass, hip and waist circumferences were signifcantly reduced (p < 0.05). Changes in body mass index, lean body mass and waist-hip ratio were not statistically signifcant (p ≥ 0.05). During the study, the effect of aerobic exercise intervention on the psychoemotional state was evaluated and subjectively perceived stress decreased statistically signifcantly (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Aerobic exercise intervention for four weeks reduced body weight, fat mass, waist and hip circumference and improved psycho-emotional state in obese women.Keywords: aerobic exercise, physical therapy, overweight, body composition, stress.


  • Overweight and obesity are described as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can affect health (WHO, 2016)

  • Buvo pastebėtas reikšmingas liemens ir klubų apimčių pokytis

  • The effect of aerobic exercise intervention on the psychoemotional state was evaluated and subjectively perceived stress decreased statistically significantly (p < 0.05)

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Palyginus tiriamųjų kūno svorio duomenis prieš aerobines treniruotes ir po jų, tiriamųjų svorio vidurkis statistiškai reikšmingai sumažėjo 1,41 ± 1,0 kg (p < 0,05). Kad KMI vidutiniškai sumažėjo 0,97 ± 1,11 kg/m2, bet šis pokytis nebuvo statistiškai reikšmingas (p = 0,05). Kūno procentinės riebalų masės vidutinė reikšmė statistiškai reikšmingai sumažėjo 1,34 ± 0,78% (p < 0,05). Riebalinės masės kilogramais vidutinė reikšmė taip pat statistiškai reikšmingai sumažėjo 2,03 ± 1,41 kg (p < 0,05) (2 lent.). Liesosios kūno masės kiekis po aerobinių treniruočių vidutiniškai padidėjo nedaug – 0,63 ± 0,48 kg, todėl skirtumas nebuvo statistiškai reikšmingas (p > 0,05). Prieš treniruotes liesosios kūno masės vidutinė reikšmė buvo 53,14 ± 5,42 kg, po jų – 53,77 ± 5,90 kg. Bendras vandens kiekis organizme po tyrimo taip pat padidėjo 0,46 ± 0,35 kg, tačiau rezultatas nebuvo statistiškai reikšmingas (p > 0,05). Aerobinių pratimų intervencijos poveikis kūno kompozicijos rodikliams ir subjektyviai patiriamo streso vertinimui

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