
The objective of this article was to design a spatial circular system with a local approach to the management of ecotourism that contributes to the systematization and establishment of ecotourism networks, as a proposal to minimize theoretical-methodological and material deficiencies of existing systems in the desire to link and concretize the participation of the local community. It is a quali-quantitative and transversal research, where the different categories of the scientific method were used, such as: systemic-structural, analytical-synthetic and induction and deduction from an endogenous approach. The design of the proposal of the Circular Model of Ecotourism and the partial application on the Island of Leapeka, in Cuando Cubango, Angola, allowed the emergence of a new theoretical-methodological instrument, also spatial, for the management of ecotourism, which ecotourism policy makers, travel agencies, tour operators and local communities can strengthen and appropriate for the management of ecotourism activity with indicators for the local community.

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