
An analysis of the various aspects of one of the most significant disasters of the 20th century — the collapse of the USSR for many decades will be of interest to researchers of different scientific fields and schools. Representatives of almost all branches of humanitarian knowledge — historians, sociologists, political scientists, and merely indifferent people whose fate was directly affected by this epoch-making event, seek to comprehend the history of the death of the USSR, to understand the essence of destructive processes, to find answers to the question about the premises, causes, mechanisms and consequences of the collapse of the first socialist state in the world. By now, there are a large number of journalistic materials not burdened by the source research or analytical assessment. Scientific research, as a rule, belongs to the pen of historians, however, even here the analysis of the causes of the death of the largest state on the world stage is primarily affected by the subjective factor, ideological bias, and the involvement of the authors of the works in political events. In an attempt to answer the question, many contradictory theories have been put forward, including conspiracy theories explaining the “secret springs” of the death of the Soviet Union. However, such a multifaceted political event, caused by a wide range of reasons, which marked the beginning of a new round of Russian history and the foundation of our days, is practically not explored from the standpoint of economic analysis, competition, and the struggle for the sales market action. The author does not set as his task a comprehensive study of such a multifaceted problem — the problem of the death of the USSR. The article presents an attempt to identify the economic component and recall the tragic consequences of the death of the Soviet Union. The work substantiates the point of view according to which the problem of the dialectics of the collapse of a state of conscience needs a comprehensive, impartial and versatile study that can help find answers to today’s problematic questions.


  • An analysis of the various aspects of one of the most significant disasters of the 20th century — the collapse of the USSR for many decades will be of interest to researchers of different scientific fields and schools

  • Representatives of almost all branches of humanitarian knowledge — historians, sociologists, political scientists, and merely indifferent people whose fate was directly affected by this epoch-making event, seek to comprehend the history of the death of the USSR, to understand the essence of destructive processes, to find answers to the question about the premises, causes, mechanisms and consequences of the collapse of the first socialist state in the world

  • There are a large number of journalistic materials not burdened by the source research or analytical assessment

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Экономический рычаг геополитических трансформаций

Представители практически всех отраслей гуманитарного знания: историки, социологи, политологи и просто неравнодушные люди, судеб которых напрямую коснулось это эпохальное событие, стремятся осмыслить историю гибели СССР, понять суть деструктивных процессов, найти ответ на вопрос о предпосылках, причинах, механизмах и последствиях развала первого социалистического государства в мире. Как правило, принадлежат перу историков, однако и здесь анализ причин гибели крупнейшего государства на мировой арене в значительной степени подвержен влиянию субъективного фактора, идеологической ангажированности или вовлеченности в политические события авторов работ. В попытке ответить на вопрос выдвинуто множество противоречивых, в том числе, конспирологических теорий, объясняющих «тайные пружины» гибели Советского Союза. Неубедителен список интересантов развала СССР, обладающих реальной возможностью столь масштабных действий. В представленной статье предпринята попытка обозначить экономический компонент и напомнить трагические последствия гибели Советского Союза.

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