
Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes heat-mass exchange for a chamber of the sprayer moistening which is used in systems of an artificial microclimate for cooling and for the adiabatic moistening of air is observed. On the basis of the equations of material and thermal balance three equivalent models: in the form of systems of differential equations; state space; in the form of transfer functions, which allow to spend modeling of transients in a chamber of the sprayer moistening on the basic channels of influence are gained. Sampling of dynamic model is defined by methods of a control system synthesis of the industrial air conditioner and tastes of researcher. For raise of accuracy of mathematical calculations in paper experimental definition of factors heat-mass exchange which allows adapting dynamic model for concrete operating conditions of a chamber of the sprayer moistening is offered.The offered mathematical dependences are conveniently realized in the environment of Matlab. The instance of modeling of transients for sprayer humectants of air conditioner KCKP-80, which is manufactured by company VEZA is resulted. The gained transients have aperiodic character without delay. The analysis of transients after the possible channels of adjusting confirmed their high inertance, that is why during automation of industrial conditioners it follows to give up regulative influences in the chamber of the moistening after the change of temperature and expense of water on moistening.The dynamic model of sprayer humectants can be used by specialists on automation for the analysis and adjustment of parameters of control systems of industrial air conditioners.

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