
In this paper, we present a duality construction for multiarcs in projective Hjelmslev geometries over chain rings of nilpotency index 2. We compute the parameters of the resulting arcs and discuss some examples.


  • Êo ÊÓÑÔÓÒ ÒØÛ × ̧ ÑÙÐØ ÔÐ Ø ÓÒ (x0 + x1t)(y0 + y1t) = x0y0 + (x0y1 + x1σ(y0))t Rσ = Fq[t; σ]/(t2)o.

  • ÐÓ × Ö Ò GR(q2, p2) = Zp2[X]/ (f (X)) ̧ f (X) × ÑÓÒ Ó Ö r p × ÖÖ Ù Ð ÖÖ Ù Ð ÑÓ μo.

  • ⌢⌣ 1 Ò ÓÙÖ Ö Ð Ø ÓÒÆ1⁄2μ X ⌢⌣ Y ∃s, t ∈ L : X, Y Is, X, Y ItÆ3⁄4μ s ⌢⌣ t ∃X, Y ∈ P : X, Y Is, X, Y Ito

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Êo Ê

ÓÑÔÓÒ ÒØÛ × ̧ ÑÙÐØ ÔÐ Ø ÓÒ (x0 + x1t)(y0 + y1t) = x0y0 + (x0y1 + x1σ(y0))t Rσ = Fq[t; σ]/(t2)o. ÐÓ × Ö Ò GR(q2, p2) = Zp2[X]/ (f (X)) ̧ f (X) × ÑÓÒ Ó Ö r p × ÖÖ Ù Ð ÖÖ Ù Ð ÑÓ μo. ⌢⌣ 1 Ò ÓÙÖ Ö Ð Ø ÓÒÆ1⁄2μ X ⌢⌣ Y ∃s, t ∈ L : X, Y Is, X, Y ItÆ3⁄4μ s ⌢⌣ t ∃X, Y ∈ P : X, Y Is, X, Y Ito

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