
Metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one], an herbicide widely used for weed control in soybeans and other crops, has been identified as a groundwater pollutant. Due to its relatively high water solubility, metribuzin is subject to leaching in the soil profile and eventually to the groundwater. The use of controlled release formulations of metribuzin would be expected to improve its environmental safety and perhaps its effectiveness. A granular formulation of metribuzin based on linseed oil, kaolin and alginate considerably reduced the release rate ofmetribuzin in comparison with conventional formulations and alginate formulations without linseed oil. Several factors affected the release rate including the ratio of oil/metribuzin in the formulation, the temperature of drying the formulation, and aging of the dried formulation. Reduced release rates were due to a combination of the polymeric coating formed by the linseed oil on the surface of the bead and the partitioning of the metribuzin between the oil in the bead and the water surrounding the bead.

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