
To study the interaction between insulin receptor (IR) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor (IGF-IR) tyrosine kinases, we examined IGF-I action in Rat-1 cells expressing a naturally occurring tyrosine kinase-deficient mutant IR (Asp 1048 IR). IGF-I normally stimulated receptor autophosphorylation, IRS-I phosphorylation, and glycogen synthesis in cells expressing Asp 1048 IR. However, the Asp 1048 IR inhibited IGF-I-stimulated thymidine uptake by 45% to 52% and amino acid uptake (aminoisobutyric acid [AIB]) by 58% in Asp 1048 IR cells. Furthermore, IGF-I-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity toward synthetic polymers, Shc phosphorylation, and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity was inhibited. The inhibition of mitogenesis and AIB uptake was restored with the amelioration of the impaired tyrosine kinase activity and Shc phosphorylation by the introduction of abundant wild-type IGF-IR in Asp 1048 IR cells. These results suggest that the Asp 1048 IR causes a dominant negative effect on IGF-IR in transmitting signals to Shc and MAP kinase activation, which leads to decreased IGF-I-stimulated DNA synthesis, and that the kinase-defective insulin receptor does not affect IGF-I-stimulated IRS-I phosphorylation, which leads to the normal IGF-I-stimulated glycogen synthesis.

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