
SYNOPSIS. In heavily endemic collecting sites in Panamá and Colón Provinces, Republic of Panama, 14.7% of Ameiva ameiva and 8.5% of Basiliscus basiliscus were injected with Besnoitia darlingi. Single infected specimens of A. leptophrys and A. festiva were also taken, these being new host species records for this parasite. Infections were found only in the older lizards.Initially, virulence of the lizard parasites for white mice was low but increased with successive mouse passages. Concomitantly, the cyst‐forming capacity of the strain diminished with successive mouse passages. No relation between initial virulence of the lizard parasites for mice and subsequent virulence after 16 or 17 mouse passages was recorded.The original description of B. panamensis (a synonym of B. darlingi) is emended on the basis of extensive material to include cyst diameters of 200–500 μ; also, the liver, mesentery, and tunica propria of the testis occasionally contain cysts. Cysts are frequently macroscopic and on the surface of organs so that they can be seen on casual inspection.B. sauriana Garnham, 1966 is a synonym of B. darlingi.

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