
Manipulation of alveolar bone remodeling process to accelerate tooth movement in the use of orthodontic appliances may be supported by natural ingredients, one of which is frangipani sap (Plumeria accuminata ait). The harvest of frangipani sap is completely influenced by the limited time to collect and the little amount of frangipani sap that may be taken. These difficulties cause the harvest of frangipani sap should be done gradually and must be stored first before harvest the next frangipani sap. This study aimed at determining the effect of storage duration on the quality of frangipani sap. The frangipani sap was examined by color intensity, pH and photometry tests using a wavelength of 450nm and 630nm to observe changes in the quality of frangipani sap. The results of the two test measurements were carried out in serial time and compared using statistical analysis. The results showed that both the pH and photometric tests showed changes in value over storage duration, of which the value on day 10 was not different statistically significant. Based on these results it is concluded that frangipani sap has good quality until the day 10 of storage.

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