
The diet of the Saimaa ringed seal Phoca hispida saimensis Nordquist, 1899 was studied by the analysis of stomach contents and by feeding trials with a captive seal. Nine prey species were found in the stomachs, the most important being small schooling fish species: perch Perca fluviatilis, roach Rutilus rutilus, vendace Coregonus albula, smelt Osmerus eperlanus and ruff Acerina cernua. The importance of crustaceans in the diet of the ringed seal in Lake Saimaa is insignificant. Length of the intestinal tract of the Saimaa ringed seal is relatively shorter than those of marine ringed seals. In cafeteria tests on one captive seal the preferred fish species were vendace and smelt. The captive seal displayed clear seasonal variation in feeding activity. The consumption of fish was lowest in springtime and highest in autumn and winter.

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