
This article philosophically analyzes the pathology of inter-party politics in East Timor in 1974-1975, based on Honneth's thought on the politics of recognition. The purpose of this study is to try to see the root of political pathologies between political parties philosophically. In the philosophy of recognition, the inter-party political pathology of 1974-1975, is a form of disrespect between political parties in Timor Leste, which causes various forms of disrespect, such as physical violence (murder), denial of legal rights and denial of way of life. Honneth in his book the struggle for recognition, explains that ireconhecimento can be overcome by forms of recognition, including through love, legal rights and solidarity, so that unity can be realized. And the most important thing that must be done in finding the root of political pathology is pathological diagnosis. Pathological diagnosis will be used as a way to analyze the root of the birth of inter-party political pathology in Timor Leste.

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