
In this article is described approach of producing of medical diagnostic expert system which based on integration of traditional western and eastern medicines. If necessary, to clarify the probable diagnoses, the doctor should receive from the patient additional information about a human personal condition (medical history, lifestyle, some laboratory tests, etc.). In determining the actual disease present, there arises the actual task of choosing the most preferred atomic diagnostic test (ADT) at each step of the diagnostic process. One of the main directions of this work is research of informativity questionnaire for patients, where such as questions with binary answers Yes or No and questions for determination of human innate nature type. To increase diagnostic precision there has been developed a program method of diagnostic criterion (informativeness) using Bayes procedure and module of analysis based on nominal entropies. One variant of the diagnostic test based on self-assessed health status suggests determining a patient's constitution due to which it is possible to specify the diagnosis, avoiding diseases that are not typical for a certain constitutional type. Application of the diagnostic model offered motivates a patient to develop a healthy life, adhere to scientifically grounded system of disease prevention, according to the causes of diseases of the given constitution type.

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