
The introduction and extension of basic facilities in a rural landscape was analyzed in relationship to the development of a road network in a high-altitude, remote location in the Indian Central Himalaya. In general, the infrastructure was concentrated along a road or within a distance of two kilometers, and declined with increasing distance from the road. However, the distribution of primary education units and postal services was not affected by road development but the impact of a road was clearly visible. The major human and animal health-care facilities were concentrated at a few easily accessible points, and the location of other facilities was determined by distance from the road. Drinking water supplied by government agencies and an electricity network were initially introduced along the road network and then extended whereas telecommunication facilities (telephone and telegraph) and financial institutions were established only along the road. A road network is the most felt need for socioeconomic development in remote and inaccessible mountains areas that are cut off from mainstream development. RESUME Le ddveloppement d'un riseau routier et son impact sur la croissance de l'infrastructure : Une itude du district d'Almora dans l'Himalaya central. L'introduction et l'extension des 6quipements collectifs dans un environnement rural ont ete analysees en rapport avec le developpement d'un reseau routier dans une region isolee de haute altitude situee dans l'Himalaya central de l'Inde. En general, l'infrastructure etait concentree le long des routes ou 'a moins de deux kilom&tres des routes, et diminuait selon l'loignement des routes.

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