
Pangandaran Regency is located in the Province of West Java and consists of the subdistricts of Parigi, Cijulang, Cimerak, Cigugur, Langkaplancar, Mangunjaya, Padaherang, Kalipucang, Pangandaran, and Sidamulih. The capital of Pangandaran Regency is located in Parigi Sub-District. The rapid growth in the area has resulted in increased water demands, which in turn has resulted in an imbalance between water availability and water needs. To restore the function of recharge areas, Pangandaran Reservoir was built in order to conserve water. In addition to its function to recharge, the reservoir can be used as a source of raw water supply for Pangandaran Regency. In its operation, the water collected in the reservoir must be used optimally to meet the needs of various sectors. To achieve this goal, a study of reservoir operations is needed. This study of reservoir operations includes analysis of rainfall, analysis of water availability using the F.J. Mock method and NRECA, analysis of reliable discharge, and analysis of needs for various needs such as irrigation and drinking water for the people. By using water equilibrium as well as minimum and maximum storage limits (effective storage), the fulfilment of water needs for domestic, municipal, and irrigation or industrial use can be known.

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