
General Eanes became army chief of staff, in succession to Fabiao. Melo Antunes was only too well aware how, suddenly, Eanes had become the hero of the hour, how the general was now the undisputed leader of the ‘operational’ FMU group. Antunes’s main hope was that he could still project enough of his powerful political mind to keep the taciturn Eanes broadly behind his goal of a democracy limited by the watchful eye of benevolent socialist soldiers. On 26 November, Antunes was already trying to restore the old balancing act. A continued Communist presence in government, he said was ‘essential, even if it is only a small one’.KeywordsPrime MinisterCommunist PartyPresidential ElectionParty LeaderPolitical PartiThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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