
Both Cybersemiotics and Info-computationalist research programmes represent attempts to unify understanding of information, knowledge and communication. The first one takes into account phenomenological aspects of signification which are insisting on the human experience "from within". The second adopts solely the view "from the outside" based on scientific practice, with an observing agent generating inter-subjective knowledge in a research community. The process of knowledge production, embodied into networks of cognizing agents interacting with the environment and developing through evolution is studied on different levels of abstraction in both frames of reference. In order to develop scientifically tractable models of evolution of intelligence in informational structures from pre-biotic/chemical to living networked intelligent organisms, including the implementation of those models in artificial agents, a basic level language of Info-Computationalism has shown to be suitable. There are however contexts in which we deal with complex informational structures essentially dependent on human first person knowledge where high level language such as Cybersemiotics is the appropriate tool for conceptualization and communication. Two research projects are presented in order to exemplify the interplay of info-computational and higher-order approaches: The Blue Brain Project where the brain is modeled as info-computational system, a simulation in silico of a biological brain function, and Biosemiotics research on genes, information, and semiosis in which the process of semiosis is understood in info-computational terms. The article analyzes differences and convergences of Cybersemiotics and Info-computationalist approaches which by placing focus on distinct levels of organization, help elucidate processes of knowledge production in intelligent agents.


  • Both Cybersemiotics and Info-computationalist research programmes represent attempts to unify understanding of information, knowledge and communication

  • Brain Project where the brain is modeled as info-computational system, a simulation in silico of a biological brain function, and Biosemiotics research on genes, information, and semiosis in which the process of semiosis is understood in info-computational terms

  • Semantics develops as a part of data/information/knowledge structuring process, in which complex structures are self-organized by the computational processing of simpler ones

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Info-Computational Naturalism and Knowledge Generation

Within the Info-computational framework knowledge is seen as a result of successive structuring of input data, where data is understood as the most basic information units, signals acquired by a cognizing agent through the senses/sensors/instruments. Information is meaningful data, which in the step of organization can be turned into knowledge by an interactive computational process occurring in the agent. For an agent, the reality presents proto-information or the potential information which agent interacts with and is part of. An agent is a physical system, living organism or a robot possessing cognitive structures capable of adaptive behaviors. Semantics develops as a part of data (signals from the physical environment and from their own physical body)/information/knowledge structuring process, in which complex structures are self-organized by the computational processing of simpler ones. Evolutionary development of increasingly intelligent self-organized structures and processes has enabled living organisms to survive in the complex and dynamical world.

Information and Computation in Biological and Intelligent Artificial Systems
Knowledge Generation as Natural Computation
Info-computational Framework for Evolution of Embodied Knowledge
Interaction of an Agent with the Environment and Info-computational Evolution
Why Our Perception of the World is an Illusion and What Can We Learn From It?
10. Two Paradigmatic Projects
11. Conclusions
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