
Human's relationship with the environment is strong and mutually beneficial, with thedevelopment of this relationship, a person develops and increases his awareness. The urban environment isa natural, physical, social and cultural milieu that a human lives in it, and get from him the life Constituents.As well as it is a product of human interaction with it, so the urban environment represents what has animpact on human behavior. It effects on human physiology and psychology then represented the relationshipconceptually, socially, and physically. the Cultural Constituents of the urban environment plays a criticaland essential role in user behavior, because they are part of the project they must be included in making thedesign decision as well as in treatment of urban spaces. on the other side, the comprehensive behavioralstudies are still few in this field, especially those studies that are based on ecological behavioral trend andthrough observing of behavior in the urban environment .The current study seeks to draw out a theoreticalmodel for developing ecological behavior measures, to evaluate the role of Cultural Constituents indetermining patterns and nature of human behavior through the experimental approach. Through theprevious literature has been identified the main research problem is represented ) There is a lack ofknowledge in the distribution of behavioral patterns in urban environments that have a high aestheticquality, also there are few objective measures that can be used as an indicator to evaluate the aestheticquality of the urban environment before its development and presenting urban designs in urban space andspecial organization (.According to the research problem, the goals and hypothesis of the research weredetermined, and an inductive experimental approach was defined theoretical and practical axes, also theresearch samples were identified (ten urban spaces in University of Babylon) were observing during (2018-2019),furthermore survey questionnaire sent to the experts In architecture, urban design and psychologyfield .Finally, the results were analyzed and the research found that aesthetic quality plays an important andmajor role in determining patterns and nature of behavior.

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