
Am J Psychiatry 1 40:3, March 1983 383 The committee is developing a national survey of APA members on sexual abuse of patients. The committee has collected information on the gender composition of the ethics committees of the district branches and the number of sexual abuse complaints received by each district branch. The committee plans to conduct a literature review of the subject and to develop a national survey instrument, which will be submitted for review to the Council on Research. APA officers and staff will be key persons in project planning, data analysis, and educational programs resulting from the study. The Council approved the request of the committee to seek outside funding for a hospitality suite and reception for women psychiatrists during the 1983 annual meeting and for a mailing to 4,000 women members of APA for recruitment into the Women’s Caucus. The Task Force on Psychiatry and Industry, Alan McLean, M.D., chairperson, has completed a literature search of the field. The task force plans to identify current programs of psychiatric care in the industrial setting and to develop a roster of psychiatrists active in occupational psychiatry. The Task Force on Terrorism and Its Victims, David Soskis, M.D., chairperson, did not meet during the fall committee meetings, as it has completed its specific task of preparing an overview of the current knowledge about the victims of terrorism with the December 1982 publication of Terrorism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by the American Psychiatric Press, Inc. The appendix to the anthology, titled “Ethical Dimensions of Psychiatric Intervention in Terrorist and Hostage Situations,” was published separately in the November 1982 issue of the American JournalofPsychiatry. The task force will continue for the next 3 years as a corresponding task force to handle any queries that arise out of these two publications. The Task Force on Victimization, Frank Ochberg, M.D., chairperson, reported on national and international interest in victimization issues: President Reagan’s task force defining shortand long-term effects of victimization and mental health service needs of victims; the American Psychological Association’s task force on similar issues; the World Federation for Mental Health’s scientific committee that is assessing victimization needs and programs internationally; and the National Organization for Victims’ Assistance collaboration with self-help groups and psychiatric consultants. The task force will advertise in Psychiatric News for member interest in clinical services to victims and in providing consultation to these self-help groups. As a follow-up, additional information will be collected on how psychiatrists became interested in victimization, their level of expertise, and their availability for service. The Council approved the task force request to seek outside funding for an interdisciplinary national conference on clinical issues in victimization, to be held in 1983-1984.

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