
Many birds could expend substantially less energy at night by using hypothermia, but generally do not. This suggests that the potential savings are offset by costs; one of these costs is presumed to be the risk of predation at night. If this assumption is correct, a bird will face one of two tradeoffs: (1) it can avoid the cost of hypothermia by gaining fat to decrease the risk of starvation, but this increases energetic costs of fat maintenance and risk of diurnal predation, or (2) it can maintain lower fat reserves and use hypothermia at night, but this option increases the risk of nocturnal predation. We used a dynamic model to investigate these trade‐offs and how the use of nocturnal hypothermia changes energy management tactics in food‐caching birds. Our model predicted that: (i) optimal daily routines of fat reserves, feeding rate, food caching, and cache retrieval should be similar in hypothermic and non‐hypothermic birds; (ii) low fat reserves, small cache size, low ambient temperature, and high variability in foraging success favor increased use of hypothermia; (iii) the effect of ambient temperature on the use of hypothermia is especially important at higher levels of variance in foraging success; (iv) hypothermic birds are predicted to have lower mass at dusk than non‐hypothermic individuals while their morning mass should be more similar. Many of these predictions have been supported by empirical data. Also, survival rates are predicted to be higher for birds using hypothermia, especially in the most severe environmental conditions. This is the first attempt to evaluate the role of cache maintenance and variance in foraging success in the use of hypothermia. This is also the first discussion of the relationship between behavior hypothermia and diurnal patterns of energy management.

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