
This study aimed to determine the motivation and perception of buffalo farmers and their commitment to raising buffalo and to identify the correlation between motivation and perception with the commitment of buffalo farmers to maintain buffalo in the Pemalang Regency. The research used survey method. The determination of the area was carried out purposively in Pemalang Regency with the largest buffalo population in Central Java. Four sub-districts with large buffalo populations were chosen such as Taman, Pemalang, Bantarbolang, and Belik sub-districts. One of the village with the largest buffalo population was selected for each selected sub-district. Respondents were taken randomly and the number of respondents was determined using the Slovin formula with a margin of error of 10%, obtaining 212 respondents. The analytical method used was descriptive analysis and rank spearman. The results showed that the motivation of buffalo farmers with the medium to the high category, the perception of farmers was in the high category, and the commitment of buffalo farmers was in the medium to high category. The correlation between the motivation and perception with the commitment of farmers to raising buffalo was in a strong category (0.590 and 0.531).

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