
The city of Santri has recorded at least 29 Islamic Boarding Schools, 24 of them identify themselves as Salafi, and 5 call themselves as Modern or Khalafi. Salafis have an identical understanding that is different from modern Islamic boarding school, especially in scientific studies that focus on classical books or known as the yellow book, Arabic or Malay Arabic. This difference is closely related to the term Salafi itself, which wants to refer to the previous pious Salāfus Ṣālih and make the Quran and Hadith as their main foothold. However, at this time some assumption appears and states that the Salafis are radical Islamic movements, extreme, intolerant, and have an exclusive tendency with the Western world. Therefore, this research aims to refer back empirically to the Salafi Islamic boarding school alumni and teachers in the City of Santri related to this statement. Also, this research intends to find a comprehensive meaning of Salafi from alumni and teachers of Salafi understanding, besides, to see their responses to acts of terror and radicalism.

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