
In seven patients who had to be dialysed between four and 13 times due to acute renal failure, low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) Fragmin was used for anticoagulation. According to dose-finding studies, 80-90 U kg-1 body weight of LMWH as a single bolus were administered initially, producing dose-related levels of 0.3-1.5 anti-factor Xa U ml-1 in plasma. Apart from the anti-Xa activity in the plasma, the thrombin anti-thrombin III complex (TAT complex) and a fibrin degradation product (D-dimer) were measured as parameters of a coagulation activation. A sufficient anti-coagulation during dialysis was supposed to exist at a normal range (5.0 micrograms l-1 or below) of TAT complex. Pathological TAT concentrations at the end of dialysis indicated the requirement of an increased dose for the next dialysis. These concentrations reflected a need for more heparin if, for example, inflammation, indicated by increasing C-reactive protein levels (CRP), occurred. The increase of TAT complex and D-dimer during dialysis showed a good agreement (p less than 0.001). Due to a single bolus application before dialysis, one measurement of TAT at the end of the dialysis was sufficient. The determination of the TAT complex concentration enabled a heparinization better adapted to the clinical situation of intensive-care patients undergoing acute dialyses, so that the coagulation system was not additionally activated by the extracorporeal circulation.

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