
Lipidomics is a comprehensive study of all lipid components in living cells, serum, plasma, or tissues, with the aim of discovering diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers for diseases such as malignant tumors. This systematic review evaluates studies, applying lipidomics to the diagnosis, prognosis, prediction, and differentiation of malignant and benign ovarian tumors. A literature search was performed in PubMed, Science Direct, and SciFinder. Only publications written in English after 2012 were included. Relevant citations were identified from the reference lists of primary included studies and were also included in our list. All studies included referred to the application of lipidomics in serum/plasma samples from human cases of OC, some of which also included tumor tissue samples. In some of the included studies, metabolome analysis was also performed, in which other metabolites were identified in addition to lipids. Qualitative data were assessed, and the risk of bias was determined using the ROBINS-I tool. A total of twenty-nine studies were included, fifteen of which applied non-targeted lipidomics, seven applied targeted lipidomics, and seven were reviews relevant to our objectives. Most studies focused on the potential application of lipidomics in the diagnosis of OC and showed that phospholipids and sphingolipids change most significantly during disease development. In conclusion, this systematic review highlights the potential contribution of lipids as biomarkers in OC management.

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