
We present the first spectroscopic observations in the interval 0.8‐4.0 µm, complemented with existing Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet (UV) and optical spectroscopy, of the narrowline Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 766. The near-infrared spectrum is characterized by numerous permitted lines of H I ,H eI ,H eII and Fe II, and forbidden lines of [S II], [S III] and [Fe II] among others. Highly ionized species such as [Si IX], [Si X], [S IX] and [Mg VII] are also observed. The continuum emission has a complex shape, with contributions from the central engine, circumnuclear stellar population and dust. This last component is demonstrated by the presence of an excess of emission peaking at 2.25 µm, well fitted by a blackbody function with T bb = 1200 K. That temperature is close to the evaporation temperature of graphite grains. As such, it provides strong evidence of hot dust, probably very close to the nucleus. Consistent modelling of the line spectrum and the broad-band continuum by composite models, which account for the photoionizing flux of the central engine and shocks, shows that shock velocities range between 100 and 500 km s −1 , the pre-shock densities between 100 and 1000 cm −3 and the radiation fluxes from the active centre between 10 9 and 5 × 10 12 photon cm −2 s −1 eV −1 at 1 Ryd with spectral indices α UV =− 1.5 and α X =− 0.4. Adopting silicate grains, dust-to-gas ratios are between 10 −6 and 4 × 10 −4 by mass. The emitting clouds are at an average distance of 160 pc from the centre, with high-velocity clouds closer and low-velocity clouds further from the centre. The N/H relative abundance deduced from the fit of the [N II] 6548+/[O III] 5007+ line ratio could be twice the solar value. On the other hand, Fe is depleted from the gaseous phase by a factor >2, most probably trapped into grains. Ratios of calculated to observed line ratios to Hβ indicate an average contribution of the broad-line region to the observed Hβ of approximately 40 per cent. Ke yw ords: galaxies: active ‐ galaxies: individual: Mrk 766 ‐ galaxies: nuclei ‐ galaxies: Seyfert ‐ infrared: galaxies.

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