
We used the model of continuous flow culture (cfc) to study the growth of Candida species. This model allows special test conditions: a long generation time of 15-20 hs, controlled limitation of nitrogen sources and carbohydrates, comparison of the growth under aerobic and anaerobic conditions simultaneously. These conditions were used to study the effect of antimycotic drugs, mainly during a long time of 7 to 10 days. Germ tube formation as a virulence factor was more abundant and faster in cfc of strains with a stronger adherence to buccal epithelium cells. Co-cultivation of C. albicans and C. glabrata allowed conclusions for their colonization in vivo. A biofilm on the glass wall of the culture vessel led to mycelium formation by C. albicans. Concomitantly the growth of C. glabrata was favoured. Growth of C. albicans in the gastrointestinal flora was reduced by masses of bacteria and their multiple metabolic activities. A remarkable growth of C. albicans was only to be seen if the ecosystem was destroyed e.g. by antibacterial antibiotics. The influence of fluconazole in a long-term follow up study under anaerobic conditions showed an inhibition of C. albicans in 99.9 %. This means fungicidal efficacy.

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