
The continental margin of Eastern Canada is underlain by a series of Mesozoic sedimentary basins that have been targets of hydrocarbon exploration for over two decades. Discoveries have been made in three major geological/geochemical regions. On the Scotian Shelf, there have been 15 gas and condensate discoveries out of 75 structures drilled. Five of these are in overpressured reservoirs. On the eastern Grand Banks, 28 wildcat wells have yielded 9 light oil discoveries, including the giant Hibernia oil field. Exploration of the Labrador-Southeast Baffin Shelf has yielded 6 gas/condensate discoveries out of 28 wildcats. The Geological Survey of Canada has developed hydrocarbon generation concepts to explain the regional variation in oil and gas occurrence, and to assess the future potential of the margin in terms of the thermal maturity of the source rocks, type of organic material, and time of trap formation. End_Page 177------------------------

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